Registering a Patient - Scotland only
Before registering a new patient, you must search for them on Vision 3 using their date of birth to ensure they have not been previously registered with your practice. A GP2GP record transfer does not occur for re-registering patients as it can result in duplicated records.
Once you are sure this is a new patient to your practice, to register a patient:
From the Vision 3 front screen, select Registration.
Select New Patient .
The 'Add Member to an existing Family' message displays, select:
Existing - If the new patient is being added to an existing household, select any member of the household with the same address.
Selected - If a member of the family you are adding this patient to displays at the top of the screen. Most common when adding a family group or a new baby.
New - If the patient you are adding has no connection to anyone on your Vision 3 system.
The Registration - Personal Details screen displays, complete as appropriate.
See Adding a New Patient in the Registration Help Centre for details if required. -
Check the Incomplete Details and Incomplete RegLinks indicators at the top if the screen, if:
Incomplete Details has a tick, you have missed some mandatory information, select Action - Acceptance and run through the screens again checking for and completing any red entries.
Incomplete RegLinks has a tick, you have completed enough information for Registration Links, this is usually a missing CHI Number.
Select OK to save.
If the patient has incomplete details, a warning displays, select:
Yes to continue, or
No to return to the registration screen and complete any missing information.